Living London Wandering Tour Guidelines
Living London wandering tours will resume from October 1st 2020. In the light of the Covid-19 pandemic we have carried out an in-depth risk assessment for the wandering tours and will mitigate against every risk to ensure the safety of the guide, attendees and members of the public. Each will take place outdoors and have a maximum number of 10 people per walking tour. The Department of Culture, Media and Sports have confirmed that guided tours can go ahead according to clause 2.2.2 of the Government Coronavirus Guidance; “Guided tours of up to 30 people may take place indoors or outdoors provided businesses undertake risk assessments in line with this guidance document and put any necessary mitigations in place.”
The guide will:
Maintain Social distancing, based on current government guidance. 1m+ will be maintained between the guide and the group and between members of the group.
Remind attendees of these requirements at the start of the tour.
Not shake hands or make any other physical contact with members of the group.
Carry hand sanitiser and make it freely available for attendees
Have planned the route of the tour to avoid crowded areas or will have an alternative route should any area be unexpectedly busy to ensure there is adequate room for social distancing between the group and other members of the public.
Ensure walks are timed to avoid peak hours for public transport.
Not lead a walk if they are unwell/ displaying symptoms of COVID-19.
To support NHS Test and Trace, the guide will hold contact records of ticket-holders (already provided by the agency.
The attendees will:
Maintain social distancing between the guide, and other members of the group not in their household throughout the tour.
Not attend the walk if they are unwell/displaying symptoms of COVID-19
You do not have to print out your ticket. I will already have a list of attendees.